Timothy J. Gordon, PhD
Tim Gordon is Professor and Head of the School of Engineering at the University of Lincoln. He is also Head of the Intelligent Systems Research Group in Lincoln Formally Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Research Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. Prof Gordon is internationally recognized for his research in vehicle dynamics and control. He is Vice President of the International Association of Vehicle System Dynamics and co-chair of the IEEE Technical Committee on Vehicle Intelligent Control Systems. He has over 20 years’ research experience in automotive control systems, has published well over 100 refereed papers, and graduated over 20 PhD students. He was previously Ford Professor of Automotive Engineering in the UK, and much of his research has been in collaboration with the automotive industry. His research has a strong focus on vehicle safety and vehicle-driver interaction, with special interests in adaptive and intelligent systems. He has led the organization of several international conferences and workshops on intelligent systems and control, including co-chair for an upcoming IAVSD International Workshop in Berlin (March 2017) and co-chair of the International Scientific Committee for the IAVSD Symposium in Australia (August 2017).
Undergraduate Scholarship, Cambridge University;
prize journal papers from the Institute of Statisticians, UK., Institute of Mechanical Engineers, UK;
2009 Jubilee Professor, Chalmers University, Gothenburg, Sweden (international award to visit, conduct joint research and contribute to postgraduate teaching);
University of Michigan 2012 College of Engineering Kenneth M. Reese Outstanding Research Scientist Award;
Visiting Professor (“The Thousand Talents Plan” of China) Tongji University, Shanghai 2016-18.
Cambridge University, Gonville and Caius College, B.A./M.A (Applied Mathematics)
Cambridge University, Department of Education, Postgraduate Diploma in Education
Cambridge University, Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, PhD
2013 – now Professor and Head of School, School of Engineering, University of Lincoln, Lincoln, UK.
2010 – 2013 Research Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
2003 – 2010 Research Professor and Head of Engineering Research, University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute
1998 - 2003 Ford Professor of Automotive Engineering, Dept. of Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering, Loughborough University. Program director, MSc in Automotive Systems Engineering.
Focused on vehicle control, driver modeling, safety benefits estimation, vehicle trajectory reconstruction from sparse data, and vehicle-structure interaction. Examples are “Advanced Collision Avoidance Technologies” (two projects in collaboration with Nissan, Ford and Volvo) funded by the US Department of Transportation, and “Cyber-enabled Wireless Monitoring Systems for the Protection of Deteriorating National Infrastructure Systems” funded by the US National Institute of Standards and Technology. Research collaboration with Nissan has led to three patents, while recent research collaboration with Volvo Cars of Sweden has produced another patent.
Gordon, T. J., and M. Lidberg. "Automated driving and autonomous functions on road vehicles." Vehicle System Dynamics 53.7 (2015).
"Yangyan Gao , Mathias Lidberg and Timothy Gordon, Modified Hamiltonian Algorithm For Optimal Lane Change With Application To Collision Avoidance, MM Science Journal 03/2015; 2015(01): 576-584. DOI:10.17973/MMSJ.2015_03_201508"
Gordon, Timothy, and Yu Zhang. "Steering pulse model for vehicle lane keeping." In Computational Intelligence and Virtual Environments for Measurement Systems and Applications (CIVEMSA), 2015 IEEE International Conference on, pp. 1-5. IEEE, 2015.
Gao,Y., Gordon,T., Lidberg, M. and Klomp, M., "An Autonomous Safety System for Road Departure Prevention Based on Combined Path and Sideslip Control", Proceedings of the 24th IAVSD Symposium, Graz, Austria, 2015.
Valasek, M., Neusser, Z. and Gordon, T., "Wave-based control for intelligent longitudinal traffic column", Proceedings of the 24th IAVSD Symposium, Graz, Austria, 2015.
Zhang, Yu, Jun Chen, Chris Bingham, and Timothy Gordon. "Variational Bayesian modified adaptive Mamdani Fuzzy Modelling for use in condition monitoring." In Computational Intelligence and Virtual Environments for Measurement Systems and Applications (CIVEMSA), 2015 IEEE International Conference on, pp. 1-5. IEEE, 2015.
Nobukawa, Kazutoshi, and Timothy J. Gordon. "Methodology for designing collision avoidance systems based on multiobjective criteria." 21st World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, ITSWC 2014: Reinventing Transportation in Our Connected World. Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), 2014.
Klomp, M., Lidberg, M., & Gordon, T. J. (2014). On optimal recovery from terminal understeer. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 0954407013511796.
Yang, D., Jacobson, B., Jonasson, M., & Gordon, T. J. (2014). Closed–loop controller for post–impact vehicle dynamics using individual wheel braking and front axle steering. International Journal of Vehicle Autonomous Systems, 12(2), 158-179.
Mitra, M., & Gordon, T. (2014). On the coherency of dynamic load estimates for vehicles on flexible structures. Vehicle System Dynamics, DOI:10.1080/00423114.2014.898778.